when use local nexus snapshot jar, mvn package will use unique version, ...
0x00 概述这两天在整理框架,发现自己手里大约有小十套不同的后端框架了,有mvc的,有cloud的,有netty的,有vertx的,还有手写的...
Check if ur richmanls /home/ivan/.sshif any .pub existed, Merry xmas.Gen...
Node.jsuse nnpm install -g n n stable / n latsest n 12.17.0 n rm 12.11.0...
Use GIT/ssh-keygen, other tools should be samerun.\ssh-keygen.exe -t rsa...
need to rebase msys1.0.dlluse command promptGit/bin folderrebase -b 0x50...
cd to local folder , first init its as gitgit initadd all to version con...
there is a index key limitsingle key length : 767 bytestotal key length ...
UnicodeUnicode 6.2Everything is writen in unicodeUnicode EscapesUnicodeI...
Qneed add increase rank num inside each typeTabletypetotalcar10car22truc...